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The Goleta Sanitary District has diligently served the Goleta Valley for over 80 years.  Our vision for the future is focused on sustainability through innovation; we draw on established methods and use new technologies to maximize water resource recovery, reuse, and energy self-sufficiency.

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Much has changed in the 75 years plus since the Goleta Sanitary District was established in 1942. The United States was...


We serve as the regional resource recovery facility in partnership with the City of Goleta, City of Santa Barbara, UCSB, Goleta…


Are you a residential customer looking for information about permitting? Are you a business with questions about local regulations? We are here...


GSD is governed by a five member elected board of directors who serve four-year terms. Each member must live within the boundaries of…


You are welcome to tour our facilities and learn about the variety of projects, programs, and initiatives the district does on behalf of...


For 75 years GSD has been on the forefront of environmental innovation with the goal of being a leader in resource recovery…
  • Mission:

    We protect public health and the environment through cost-effective wastewater collection, treatment, and resource recovery to meet present and future community needs.

  • Vision:

    To be the Region’s Leader in Water Resource Recovery through Excellence and Innovation.

  • Values:

    We value our Community, the People we Serve, and the Environment we Protect by: Acting with Integrity, Being Dependable, Being Responsible, Being Safe and, Being Innovative.