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Effluent Quality

effluent monitoringMonitoring Program

The quality of the effluent(the water that has been purified and will be leaving the plant and sent out to the ocean) is monitored in accordance with the program specified in the District’s NPDES permit. The purpose of the monitoring program is to document the short and long term effects, if any, of the discharge(effluent) on the ocean and to assess the overall treatment plant performance.

NPDES Permit CA0048160 and WDR Order No. R3-2017-0021

effluent lab testingLaboratory Testing

The program consists of daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual testing of the influent, effluent, and biosolids. All testing is done in accordance with EPA approved test procedures. All of the routine tests are performed by our in-house state certified laboratory personnel. Over 500 tests are done every month in the lab on smaples from all stages of the treament process, including tests of the biosolids.

Reporting Program

The District must report all of the results of its self-monitoring program to the Regional Water Quality Control Board and the EPA.

Category: Effluent Quality Reports
Order Files by:
  • Mission:

    We protect public health and the environment through cost-effective wastewater collection, treatment, and resource recovery to meet present and future community needs.

  • Vision:

    To be the Region’s Leader in Water Resource Recovery through Excellence and Innovation.

  • Values:

    We value our Community, the People we Serve, and the Environment we Protect by: Acting with Integrity, Being Dependable, Being Responsible, Being Safe and, Being Innovative.