Strategic Plan
In September 2016 the Board, in concert with the staff crafted a five-year strategic plan. The plan spells out how the District will implement its mission and achieve its vision through the completion of specific action items. The action items are review and revised as needed by the Board on an annual basis. The identified strategic plan action steps are then compiled into an annual operation plan for the current fiscal year.
In 2019 the Board reviewed the 2016 Strategic Plan and determined that most of the goals had been achieved, or were in process. A new strategic plan was developed focused on the pursuit of excellence through innovation in our mission to protect the environment and the public health of our community. The new Strategic Plan lays out the visionary goals we will work toward over the next five years, which will be evaluated on an annual basis, and modified as needed.
10 Year Capital Improvement Program
The maps in this link provide a visual summary of the District’s proposed Capital Improvement Projects (CIPs) for the next 10 years for both the Collection System and the Treatment Plant. These improvements reflect the District’s mission and vision statements, and ensure a safe, healthy environment for all in the Goleta Valley.
Click on individual fiscal years for a list of projects and their locations. https://hazensawyergis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?