Recycled Water, A Valuable Resource
Recycled Water is also referred to as reclaimed water. No matter what you call it it’s a valuable resource. We reclaim, reuse, and recycle the water once it leaves your house. The Goleta Sanitary District opened the Water Reclamation Facility in 1994 in partnership with the Goleta Water District. The Rec, as it’s known, was the first of its kind in the region. Together, the two agencies work closely to produce and distribute safe recycled water for landscape irrigation in the Western portion of the Goleta Valley.
On average, Goleta Sanitary District produces about 1.2 MGD of recycled water a day equaling about 350 MGD a year! Since 1994 we have produced over 8.5 billion gallons of water, saving a lot of potable water. The recycled water is used in places including Sandpiper and Glen Annie Golf Courses, the fields at U.C.S.B., and Girsh Park. And we are actively looking for ways to increase the drought-proof supply of water.
Recycled Water is Safe
Recycled water has been used safely in California for decades. Its use is carefully monitored by local, state, and federal regulators. Sophisticated and proven treatment processes, the specially designed and built recycled water pipeline, and stringent user guidelines assure that the water is used safely and efficiently. The treatment used at GSD creates super-clean recycled water that meets these tough quality requirements.
Everyone Benefits from Recycled Water
Recycled water customers benefit by having a new and reliable supply of water that isn't affected by drought. All Goleta Valley residents benefit because recycled water releases precious and limited potable water supplies for use by everyone. Take a look at this graph showing recycled water production monthly from 2008-2021.