Business Resources
Doing Business with Goleta Sanitary District
Industrial Waste Control (IWC)
The District recognizes that all members of the community have a part to play in the protection of the environment. The District's Industrial Waste Control (IWC) program works with local businesses to make sure they are properly disposing their harmful substances, keeping them out of the sewer system. Businesses can find specific forms below to obtain permits. If you have questions regarding the Industrial Waste Control program, please contact Teresa Kistner, Industrial Waste Control Officer at
IWC Forms
Industrial User Permit Application
Industry permits are granted for a specified period of time and require adherence to certain stated conditions. All permits require that changes in an industry's location, waste strength, or flow as well as any accidental discharges of prohibited or controlled material, be reported to the District's Industrial Environmental Compliance Section.
Dental Office Point Source Category Pretreatment Standards
FOG (Fats, Oils, and Grease)
The District's pretreatment program works deligently to prevent Fats, Oils, and Grease, commonly referred to as FOG, from entering the treatment plant. We work with local restaurants to ensure that FOG is collected at the source and properly disposed of.