Rates and Fees
Sewer service charges are collected annually on the property tax bill and reflect the cost of operations and maintenance.
Annual Sewer Service Charges remain the same as the 2021 rates. The rates, are shown below.
Single Family residence |
$530.38 per residence per year
Multiple Family Residences (duplexes, triplexes, apartments, condominiums, townhouses, etc.) |
$429.71 per unit per year
Mobile Homes and House Trailers |
$429.71 per unit per year
Motels |
$305.36 per unit per year
Commercial establishments (grocery stores, retail stores, service establishments, theaters, etc.) |
$429.71 per establishment per year
Markets |
$966.18 per 74,095 gallons of water used, plus Volume Charge
Banks |
$482.07 per establishment
Offices |
$90.69 per Equivalent Office Unit (EOU)
Medical Offices |
$530.38* for up to 74,095 gallons of water used, plus Volume Charge
Bars, Cocktail Lounges and Taverns |
$84.91 per seat
Restaurants |
$1,002.02* for up to 74,095 gallons of water used, plus Volume Charge
Beauty Salons and Barber Shops |
$429.71 per salon or shop
Laundromats and Dry Cleaners |
$468.35* for up to 74,095 gallons of water used, plus Volume Charge
Automobile Service Stations |
$543.85 per establishment
Automobile Service Stations with Dump Facilities |
$1,778.54 per establishment
Car Washes |
$419.55* for up to 74,095 gallons of water used, plus Volume Charge
Factories, Industrial Plants, Water Bottling Facilities, and Water Treatment Plants |
$450.54* for up to 74,095 gallons of water used, plus Volume Charge
Mortuaries |
$2,666.66 per establishment
Hospitals |
$505.96* for up to 74,095 gallons of water used, plus Volume Charge
Churches |
$530.38* for up to 74,095 gallons of water used, plus Volume Charge
Schools |
$26.95 per average daily attendance per year
Boys & Girls Clubs | $13.47 per average daily attendance per year |
Animal shelters (kennels, veterinary clinics veterinary hospitals) |
$530.38* for up to 74,095 gallons of water used, plus Volume Charge
Machine Shops and Auto Repair Shops |
$482.07 per shop
Photographic Processing Plants |
$964.14 per facility
Auditoriums, Dance Halls and Recreation Buildings | $450.54* for up to 74,095 gallons of water used, plus Volume Charge |
Private Clubs used with Recreational Facilities | $530.38* for up to 74,095 gallons of water used, plus Volume Charge |
* The charge stated is a minimum and shall apply for annual water consumption of up to 74,095 gallons. Volume Charges for annual water consumption in excess of 74,095 gallons shall be calculated in accordance with Section 3.5 hereof.
Permit and Inspection Fees are collected for issuing permits to connect to District facilities. Inspection fees are charges for the District’s inspection of the construction of new developments connecting to the District’s facilities.
Annexation Fees Annexation to the District is the process of entering a land parcel into the service area of the District. The District’s annexation fees were developed based on the equity in the maintenance of the District’s facilities over a period of several years. These fees are clearly separate from connection fees in that there is no overlap between both fee structures.
Currently, the annexation charge revenue is based on a fee of $2,466 per acre to be annexed and a $200 per application charge for processing applications for annexations submitted to the District.
Connection Fees The cost of buying a unit of capacity in the District’s facilities is based on the capacity normally utilized by a single-family residence. A capacity unit is expressed as one equivalent residential unit (ERU). The connection fee is the cost of buying capacity units expressed in ERUs. The value of the connection fee is normally the price of one ERU. The current District connection fee is $2,663 per ERU.