Visit GSD/Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour Videos
The Goleta Sanitary District serves over 80,000 residents and businesses in the Goleta Valley. We collect, treat, and reclaim resources from wastewater on a daily basis. The average flow of wastewater is about 4.5 million gallons a day, and we produce an average of 300 million gallons of reclaimed water a year for landscape purposes, saving precious drinking water for the community. The order of the videos approximates the collection and treatment process. Videos will be added and updated, so stay tuned! We hope you enjoy this introductory virtual tour.
Panoramic Welcome |
Collection System |
Influent Pump (lift) station |
Headworks and Step Screen |
Odor Control Tower |
Equalization Basin |
Primary Clarifier |
Digesters |
Methane Flare |
Trickling Filter |
Sentinel Chickens |
Activated Sludge |
Secondary Clarifier |
Solids Handling Building/Screw Press |
Biosolids Drying Beds |
Chlorine Contact Channel |
Reclamation Facility |
Process of Ocean Discharge |
End of Process |
Bienvenida Panoramica Fin del Proceso |
Clarificador Primario Proceso de Descargo Oceanica |
Contact Laura Romano, the staff member in charge of public outreach at
(805) 967-4519 ex.128