Doing Business
Rates and Fees
Sewer service charges are collected annually on the property tax bill and reflect the cost of operations and maintenance.
Annual Sewer Service Charges remain the same as the 2021 rates. The rat…
Residential Resources
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. To find a comprehensive list of innovative environmental solutions for all types of waste including recycling services and collection sites, waste prevention tips, Rec…
Business Resources
Doing Business with Goleta Sanitary District
Industrial Waste Control (IWC)
The District recognizes that all members of the community have a part to play in the protection of the environment. The D…
Regulatory Requirements
The District is responsible and liable for enforcing all Federal pretreatment requirements within the Goleta Sanitary District’s service area. The Clean Water Act gives GSD the authority to control…
How to Connect
All properties receiving sewage collection, treatment, and disposal service from the District must be annexed into the District’s service area. An outline of the annexation procedure can…
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I live in the Goleta Sanitary District or Goleta West Sanitary District?
We acknowledge that this issue is confusing. Generally, if you liv…