Solutions for Water Reuse and Energy Self-Sufficiency
Water Reuse
The Goleta Sanitary District recognizes the importance of water in our community. It is a precious resource and too valuable to let go to waste. We built our Water Reclamation Facility in 1994 in partnership with the Goleta Water District. Through our reclamation process, we save on average 1.25 million gallons of drinking water, per day of operation. Recycled water customers benefit from a new and reliable water source that isn’t affected by drought.
Together Goleta Sanitary District and Goleta Water District are searching for more ways to capture and reuse our precious resource by increasing reuse of cleaned water in landscaping, and eventually by combining with existing supplies for potable reuse.
The District’s vision includes energy self-sufficiency. At present, the District captures methane gas production in its anaerobic digesters and uses it to heat the digesters. Approximately 40% of the gas produced is used for heating while the rest is flared off to protect the environment from exposure to greenhouse gases. The District is analyzing ways to maximize methane gas production and convert all of it into electricity for use at the facility.
In the fall of 2016, the District installed energy efficiency measures as part of a Water and Infrastructure and System Efficiency (WISE) project in collaboration with the Energy Network. These improvements included the installation of new energy-saving LED lighting throughout the plant and the installation of a smaller horsepower blower in the aeration basin. This is one of several ways the District works to promote energy self-sufficiency.
Recycled Water is Safe
Recycled water has been used safely in California for decades. Its use is carefully monitored by local, state, and federal regulators. Sophisticated and proven treatment processes, the specially designed and built recycled water pipeline, and stringent user guidelines assure that the water is used safely and efficiently.
Everyone Benefits from Recycled Water
Recycled water customers benefit by having a new and reliable supply of water that isn't affected by drought. All Goleta Valley residents benefit because recycled water releases precious and limited potable water supplies for use by everyone.